What are Demodex Mites and Why Should I Care?

Demodex mites are microscopic, worm-like creatures that live on human skin, especially your face. While they sound unpleasant, for most people they are harmless. However, demodex mites can affect your eyes in a couple of ways: Demodex and Eyelids: Habitat: Demodex mites, particularly Demodex folliculorum, favor areas around hair follicles. This makes your eyelids a…

Dry Eye and Ocular Surface Disease: Information for Patients

Dry eye, also referred to as ocular surface disease (OSD), is a common condition that affects many people. It happens when your eyes can’t produce enough tears, or the tears you have aren’t good quality. Tears are essential for lubricating your eyes, keeping them clear, and fighting infection. Symptoms of Dry Eye: Dry, scratchy, or…

It’s MYOPIA WEEK! (What does that mean, you ask?)

Do you have a nearsighted child? Myopia (Nearsightedness) Management Options can help. For the parents who have a nearsighted child whose prescription seems to be changing every year, this is for you. New treatments are available to slow these changes. The long-term benefits to slowing this progression include less thick glasses, less dependence on glasses…

Understanding Myopia and Its Impact

In today’s fast-paced digital world, where screens are omnipresent, our eyes endure a significant strain. Amidst this modern lifestyle, one common ocular condition, myopia, has become increasingly prevalent, affecting millions worldwide. Myopia, colloquially known as nearsightedness, is a refractive error where distant objects appear blurry, while close objects remain clear. The surge in myopia cases…

Choosing the Right Sunglasses for Eye Health

With the sunny days ahead, donning a stylish pair of sunglasses isn’t just about making a fashion statement; it’s also about safeguarding your eyes from harmful UV rays. When it comes to choosing the proper sunglasses, there are several factors to consider to ensure optimal protection and style. Here are some essential tips to guide…